Why Choosing a good Dissertation Topic is Important?

Selecting a quality dissertation topic is the most important element before one starts the dissertation module. The topic you select can make or break your final degree score, and this is because often the dissertation module is so heavily weighted in terms of the total number of marks, that if you can score well in this module, you will almost be certain that you will get a good final degree score, i.e. a first-class degree or at least a 2:1 degree. The topic title you select does not necessarily have to be very interesting to your supervisor. Rather, it must fascinate you, the student. It does not matter if you intend to work on international business dissertation topics or topics on any other subject. This is because if you do not love the topic title you are working with, there is a likelihood that you will soon lose interest in the module and will find it difficult to write down your dissertation. Your disinterest also will quickly become apparent to the reader once they start reading your academic paper. However, if you select a topic title that really fascinates you, you will find it much easier to stay motivated and passionate throughout the process of writing your dissertation. Make sure to choose a manageable topic title! You need to realise the fact that it is you who be conducting the research and writing the full dissertation papers, therefore you must select a topic that you feel assured and comfortable while working on it. For instance, if you are a business management student, you can look for 100s of the topics under the category of business management dissertation topics. You must avoid making the common mistake of selecting an extremely difficult topic just because you think it may lead you to get extra marks, despite the fact that you may later find it difficult to draft a good quality full dissertation on it. As you proceed with the dissertation writing process, particularly when it comes to the methodology and results/discussions section of the paper, the research being undertaken becomes more and more challenging and thereby it is necessary to give your full attention towards the entire process of the dissertation writing module and make a better decision at the very start of the process. You do not want to turn back and start rewriting all over again when you reach in the middle of the dissertation writing process. So, avoid this big mistake! In conclusion, the best way to proceed is to select a topic which genuinely inspires you, and make sure that it is not too difficult to manage. Once these two aspects are covered, just start and hope fr the best. You will do an amazing job. Good luck!


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